Disable Automatic Search For Network Printers And Folders

Windows XP monitors shared resources on the network to make it easier to connect to a shared resource. This feature, which is new in Windows XP, is implemented by periodically scanning the computers on the network. During the scan, Windows XP identifies any newly-shared resources, such as a printer that has just gone online as a shared printer, or a folder that has just been shared.

Some users have a limited scope to their daily tasks. They only need to have access to one or two shared folders, usually document folders that are stored on file servers that hold documents that are related to their job descriptions, In this case, the discovery of new printers and new shared folders is not important or needed.

Method 1: Disable the automatic search for network printers and folders by changing folder options:

To disable the automatic search for network printers and folders, follow these steps:

1. Click Start–> click Control Panel–> click Appearance and Themes–> and click Folder Options to open the Folder Options dialog box.

2. Click the View tab.

3. In the Advanced Settings list, click to clear the Automatically Search for Network Folders and Printers check box.

4. Click OK.

Method 2: Disable the automatic search for network printers and folders by changing the registry key.

To change the registry key to disable automatic search for network printers and folders , follow the below steps:

1. Click Start–> Click on Run–> Type Regedit–> Press Enter on the keyboard Or Click on Ok

2. Locate the following registry subkey:

3. Right-click System–> point to New–> and then click DWORD Value.

4. Type NoNetCrawling–> and then press ENTER.

5. Double-click NoNetCrawling.

6. In the Value data box–> type 1–> and then–> click OK.

7. Close Registry Editor.

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